Buy Now, Pay Later in 30 days. The total amount charged to your card is no greater than if you simply paid for the entire purchase up front (provided the agreed payment schedule is followed) Late fees may apply. Pretty great, huh!
How do I use Klarna?
Place an order & head to check out.
Select Klarna as your payment option–no need to create a Klarna account.
Place your order and you’re done! Late fees may apply. Pretty great, huh!
What you need to get started:
- A NO bank account
- Be 18 years of age or older
- A NO residential address
Klarna may refer any debt to a debt collection agency. This agency will collect the debt on behalf of Klarna. Also, if the debt is referred to a debt collection agency Klarna will share this information with credit reference agencies.
Please spend responsibly. Borrowing more than you can afford could seriously affect your financial status. Make sure you can afford your monthly repayments on time. For any more info just click here as Klarna are right on hand for quick and simple, self service solutions.
Klarna’s Pay Later or Pay in 3 instalments credit agreements are unregulated credit agreements. Borrowing more than you can afford or paying late may negatively impact your financial status and ability to obtain credit. 18+, UK residents only. Subject to status. Late fees may apply. T&C's apply..